History of Theology On Tap

“Framework” Rules of “TOT”

  • The subject for the month will be posted on this site
  • Each person will have an opportunity to speak (max. of 2 min) After each person speaks discussion of that particular subject will be addressed
  • T.O.T. will conclude in about 1 hour. That’s 1 hour of solid discussion.
  • People can stay and continue talk/eating/drinking/etc. after TOT closes.
  • Before we leave the Tap, next months topic will be determined by a majority vote of people present. So bring some “talking points”.

The T.O.T. people approved the framework  almost 100%, but one person had an issue of only being able to only talk 2 min.  It was quickly decided that we would amend this rule in certain situations.


Question #1 for Jan

  • Is there a God? and why do you think so?

our discussion confirmed that their must be a God, and it’s a God of LOVE.  Total in attendance was 11.

Question #2 for Feb. 27

attendance 9

  • How is Jesus God?

Please come and let’s discuss some questions that I myself have.  A couple talking points for our TOT talk:

  1. why did God created Jesus???? (or did he?)
  2. In the Old Testament….the Messiah was called out  (how doe this relate to the 1st talking point?)
  3. Question, (this is speculation) God knows all.  God sent to flood to eliminate evil, since he promised never to do that again to “wash away” sin, is this how Jesus got his start?
  4. Is the how God is inviting himself to us by positioning himself as a human being (Jesus Christ?)

I think these 4 points are important to have a good understanding to spread the GOOD NEWS.

how is Jesus /god?
T.O.T. at the Olympic

(2 Newbies)

From the Tap;

  1. God created Jesus to take away the sins of the world.  To forgive our sins.
  2. God is with us.  Even though we don’t see Jesus, we pray to Jesus as our Savior.  Jesus is with us every tid me.
  3. The Old Testament is filled with us failing and the New Testament fills us with hope in the fact of Christ.
  4. Jesus is “God with skin on”.
  5. God came to earth as Jesus because God was lonely and wanted the full experience – to be born, hurt, love, feel, stand up for injustice and give himself fully.
  6. God is the greatest.  Jesus came  down to help the world….an change it too.
  7. Jesus, God, & the Holy Spirit are 3 persons in one being.

Question #3 for March 27th

  • facts of the Holy Spirit


12 Attendees  (4 newbies)

From the Tap;

  • The Holy Spirit being with us at all times.  All around us in prayer, in our lonliness, and in our happiness.
  • The Holy Spirit is not always “my friend” as I might like.  S/He often pushes me past where I want to be.
  • The Spirit prods me toward giving/doing more than UI always want to do.
  • The Holy Spirit comes through action; becons of hope for those who feel all is lost.  Emma Gonzales gives a voice to students who live in fear every day.   She is seen as pure goodness, that is working through empowering other to make change.
  • I am a Gentile
  • The spirit fies through me, raising the hair on my arms

Question #4 for April 24th

general thoughts or feelings about the devil


[9 attendees….one not shown]


I. Start at 7:00 (have beer ready)
II. Short prayer (1 min)
III. Review agenda (2-4 min) AND WLFSG web site!!
IV. Give everyone the opportunity for a max 5 min talk, with follow-up comments. (45 min talk)
V. Discuss topic for next month (5 min)
VI. Closing prayer (1 min)
VII. Dismissed no later than 8:15   (we officially ended at 8:01)  😊

III Introduction:
We are going to go around the table and if you would like to declare what the devil is or what it means to you. From this point, according to the bible and history, what does the devil looks like and where does he live (or what space does he occupy? Plus…what’s the devils purpose? AND If God created everything why did he create the devil? Please share what you would like but remember 5 min limit.
(will pass this sheet around and please write a quick note that will be included in the monthly write up). It’s always posted on line. I don’t want your names …. just a DNA sample😉.  Plus …  USE THE WEB AGE! WLFSG.com
IV I’ll start with my view of the devil:

.• The devil is a spirit
• God created this spirit
• This is truly a test!
• It’s simple: you do good 😊 or you do evil. ☹
• I don’t believe in this fallen angle stuff
• Why doesn’t the Bible talk more about the “enemy”?
o Devil mentioned 36 times
o Satan mentioned in 51 verses
• The Lutheran church doesn’t show much of a specified interest.
• Is the thought of the devil just being passes from generation to generation

Comments from the group:
1. I was introduced to the devil (Satan) in Sunday school. I didn’t like him tempting Eve. Also, I don’t like to give Satan any credit. Don’t send him my way, I don’t want thing.
2. I grew up not acknowledging the devil. We didn’t want to give any power to that idea.
3. It’s giving Satan too much credit to say he is a person.
4. Devils are the deceivers of human kind. All devils answer to Satan. Satan is the fallen angel who disobeyed God causing Satan to fall from Gods grace. Satan’s objective is to get back at God for sending him down the earth, never to return to heaven. satins devil work on humankind is to disobey God also.
5. I grew up not acknowledging Satan as it gave him too much power. I feel that rather, we all know wrong from right and can choose.
6. I’ve always thought as the devil as an evil entity, who is there to tempt us. Just like Adam and Eve who was tempted with eating an apple from the tree of knowledge. Thus, disobeying God’s rule or breaking his word. Who do you listen too? (the little angel on the right or the little devil on left, or our shoulder).
Next month (May 22th) we are going to discuss “the second coming”

Question #5 for 22 May

T.O.T. People: What do you think of the second coming?

attendance 8

From: https://www.gotquestions.org/second-coming-Jesus-Christ.htmler
Jesus ascended into heaven, the angels declared to the apostles, “‘Men of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven’” (Acts 1:11). Zechariah 14:4 identifies the location of the second coming as the Mount of Olives. Matthew 24:30 declares, “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.” Titus 2:13 describes the second coming as a “glorious appearing.”

The second coming is spoken of in greatest detail in Revelation 19:11-16, “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. ‘He will rule them with an iron scepter.’ He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh, he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”

1. Personally, I don’t really think about it that much because I always start questioning myself. We are here to praise the jealous God (Exodus 20). Yes, it is difficult to isolate your praise. We shouldn’t be trying to predict or account for this coming, but we need to be ready! The bible talks of “thieves in the night”, could that happen? Or could it be like what was said in revelation (see above)? We need to BLJC.
2. I’ve always been content to know that there will be a second coming. No one knows details. We just need to know Jesus TRUST!
3. I know that with the second coming of Jesus, I feel that I must be prepared Spiritually. Think that the three horseman will scare the daylights out of me.
4. I really get tired of people or persons telling me the world is coming to an end on a certain date. No one knows when except God. Just be ready & prepared for Jesus Coming.
5. I have never understood the concept of the “second coming”. Doesn’t Christ come into our lives every day every moment of our lives? Doesn’t he vanish our fears & enemies if we truly except him into our lives.
6. I don’t really worry about the second coming because only God knows when that is going to be or how it is going to happen
7. The second coming is hope for all creation – because it’s Jesus who is coming to judge the living and the dead.
8. It will come to all of us; whether to a certain “time” for all or whether to us as individuals at our death in this demention.
Next meeting is 26 June and the topic is Stewardship (more to come)

Question  #6:

26 June 2018

We are going to talk about: Stewardship in the Bible

(6 people)


We are going to go around the table and if you would like to declare what stewardship means to you. Please share what you would like but remember 5 min limit.

Stewardship is looking after someone’s property in that person’s interest. Biblical stewardship means accepting your role as a steward or manager of God’s money and other resources. Stewardship applies to daily lifestyle choices affecting time, talents, and money.
(will pass this sheet around and please write a quick note that will be included in the monthly write up). It’s always posted on line. I don’t want your names.
I’ll start with my view of stewardship:

• It’s a thankful means to recognize how fortunate you really are!
• Is God testing you to see how thankful you are?
• I’m personally not a rich person is aspect to money, but I enjoy using my organizational/facilitating gifts
• I think this tithe measurement is a good reference, but what was posted about your means, means everything.
• Using the Web there are 45 verses about stewardship
• We need to be thankful for God giving us the opportunity to get this bounty.

Comments from the group:

1. I think it’s important to share your time, talents, and resources with your church community.
2. STEWARDSHIP is a whole lot more than “MONEY”. You need to be a steward of the creation. Devote your time to help the earth, neighbors, and all creation. Share your talents.
3. I have a problem when someone says “you have to give more than what I have. “You give what you can”. That’s it. I love to do my talent and share it with others. That’s another way of stewardship.
4. The caring of the earth is important to me so that my stewardship is caring for our only earth. Cutting my carbon footprint is always ar my foremost. Caring for the earth is an ongoing test of my commitment to our earth.
5. Stewardship is house management, care for the land, care for all creatures, and care for the earth

24 July 2018

(8 people) one person missed the picture


Discussion#7:   Dichotomy of Freedom of Christ

  1. Speaking from the hip….how can you be free if you follow Christ? Basically John 3:16 removes the freedom that Christ represents, I would like to hear/read more dialog about the freedom of Christ. If your a Christian, depending on how you define freedom, you are not free!
  2. We are perfectly free from judgement because of Gods grace, and we are perfectly bound in love for our neighbors.  We can’t be rally free from sin.  Just because your free from sin, you can’t sin away!
  3. Freedom to live without anxiety or we can be overcome by our fears.  In the end, God’s love through Christ is there for us – under, over, behind and in front of your fears.  Maybe???
  4. The answer now is different then when growing up.  Used to believe  that you avoid doing bad things.  It is by grace that you are saved.  Sin is everything that separates us from God.  Used to think it was doing bad things.  Was Christ free to live (had his own free will/0 or did h have to follow Gods plan?
  5. We are sinners and saints at the same time and that never stops during our lifetime.  No one and “figure out” what sin is and then stop doing it.
  6. You salvation is totally free – grace.  You don’t need to do anything, but that doesn’t that you are not a sinner anymore.
  7. Jesus is the “Just Judge” AND merciful and compassionate.    Don’t need to worry about the judging.  Faith – accept that you are accepted.

28 August

Discussion #8:  What is Spiritual Growth?


Spiritual Growth is a need to be together with God.  To grow with the community, friends, family, and with people we don’t even know.  A coming together of faith, love, and understanding of God and the spiritual side of the mystery we don’t understand

“Spiritual Growth” to me is to read something from the scriptures and then discuss this reading.  It can be done in a restaurant, home, parks, etc.  We learn from each other and doing thins like hiking, yoga, mediate by ourselves.

Spiritual growth:   growing closer to God.  Growing into the image of God.  Growing a a human being.  Letting the Holy Spirit into our lives

25 September

Discussion #9:  What’s the importance of bread/water in the Bible (what doe it mean)


I. Start at 7:00 (have beer ready)
II. Short prayer (1 min)
III. Review agenda (2-4 min) AND WLFSG web site!!
IV. Give everyone the opportunity for a max 5 min talk, with follow-up comments. (45 min talk)
V. Discuss topic for next month (5 min)
VI. Closing prayer (1 min)
VII. Dismissed no later than 8:15
II  discussion questions
For discussion:

1. Do you think that this hurricane in the Carolinas was water from God? A natural disaster, is God telling us something?
2. From the forum Sunday, it was shared that the water could represent chaos. What do we all think?
3. Most of your body is water…. how does the “spring of living water” fit in?
4. What do you think about the bread…is it the bread of life?

III Introduction:
We are going to go around the table and if you would like to declare what the water and bread means to you (plus more dialoge from the questions for discussion). Please share what you would like but remember 5 min limit.
(will pass this sheet around and please write a quick note that will be included in the monthly write up). It’s always posted on line. I don’t want your names …. just a DNA sample😉.
IV I’ll start with my view of the question above:

• (1) God knows what’s happening and he’s sending these “natural disasters” to keep us aware of what we are doing to our gift of the earth he gave.
• (2) Don’t understand the thought that water was already “here” well then who made the water? Was it the spirit?

• (3) water is totally symbolic, you need water to live, and if you want to be like Jesus drink this “living water”
• (4) bread is a common element, like water, and God created the ingredient for bread

Comments from the group:
1. I learned about water and bread in communion taking confirmation classes that leads to spiritual growth. It’s the body and blood of Christ.
2. Bread and water are a metaphor of Gods as bread and water as Jesus. Filling us with the spirit of hope and compassion.
3. Living water is a net for the life that Jesus can give you with your life in HIM.
4. God doesn’t cause hurricanes or other disasters. People have not taken care of what we have been given (on earth)
5. Bread and water (or wine) to me is a reminder that I continuously need to be fed by Christ in order to live.
6. God doesn’t cause hurricanes, ill health, and other bad things to happen to us. He is with us when bad things occur.
7. God is the hurricane, water can be chaos, God is rice
8. God uses disasters & allows them, but He/She does not punish people with them. These hurricanes can be used to bring people to God
9. Hurricanes are water from God. But, I think He wants us to find a way to put out fires on the West coast with the water

23 October

(7 in attendance)

discussion #10:   Why aren’t people coming to church?


I. Start at 7:00 (have beer ready)
II. Short prayer (1 min)
III. Review agenda (2-4 min) AND WLFSG web site!!
IV. Give everyone the opportunity for a max 5 min talk, with follow-up comments. (45 min talk)
V. Discuss topic for next month (5 min)
VI. Closing prayer (1 min)
VII. Dismissed no later than 8:15
II discussion questions
For discussion:

1. Why aren’t people attending church?
2. There are many variables why, but we must say why not!
3. Discuss my todays web post.
4. Would like to hear from others
III Introduction:
We are going to go around the table and if you would like to declare what the water and bread means to you (plus mire dialogue from the questions for discussion). Please share what you would like but remember 5 min limit.
(will pass this sheet around and please write a quick note that will be included in the monthly write up). It’s always posted on line. I don’t want your names …. just a DNA sample😉.
IV I’ll start with my view of the question above:

• We need to start some “church groups”

(see website)
Comments from the group:
1.Spiritiual growth in attendance can be difficult with issues with the family. Inviting is one way to reach other people.
2.Bowling alone: don’t want to be difficult from my neighbors’ cyclical churches.
3.Culture reasons, opportunity for fellowship.
4. Welcome all! Entry points for people.
5. Friendships, fellowships, being a caring component of one another’s’ lives.
6. Not attend church because of lack of offering $$$ or time. Feeling alone and just worried about the individual needs, not the community. People take church for granted “it will always be there” and will “do church” when we have kids or when we are older/retired/near death

Discussion #11 (11 people) 🙂  Done at 8:13

KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera

For discussion:
1. “how you personally started to follow Jesus”
2. Another question, “what” has brought you to LCGS?

• (1) My parents instructed me (or made me go to church) every Sunday, which I ended up enjoying.  Most everyone had family involved, one had civil rights issues
• (2) This is similar to the first question, but I have grow up in this church, and some of my mentors (40+ years ago keeps me excited. Like Milt, the late Philna, Wendel. The baton is being passed.

Next month (Jan. 22nd) talk about the theology of the “caravan

Discussion #12

26 February  Scriber forgot to take picture

(eight tappers)

We decided to discuss the theology involved in the “caravan” situation developing in Central America. Some thoughts: (hints for discussion)
what does the bible say about helping other people?
why was this caravan formed?
what’s the expectation if you are on this caravan?
why do these Central American people want to come to the U.S.? What do they want?
what about U.S. security?
Does a passport mean anything?
Are these people inspired by law and order?
How is the asylum process proceeding for immigrants?
Is it OK for the caravan people to be assaulted by their own government?
what is the TRUE profile of all caravan riders?
what about do onto others as you would have done to you, what gives?
Does being a Patriot out way the bible?
So, are we “profiling” the people in this caravan? Is that right?
(more ideas/possible reasons (thoughts might be added)
Learned that Father Abraham was also a alien in Cannon
Note for comments: Please stay away from/or reference any current political “talking points”. Lets theologize in reference to the “Black Book”. The Scriber will not post any data that does not have a good (scribers view) reference of a common sample size of the issue being discussed (no cherry picking). Please use some numbers, remember “the scriber likes numbers”! Can document ANY verse from the Bible.

tappers comments on topic:

Looking at Job 6
“He frustrates the devises of the crafty” thus no success.

why did King Solomon build a wall?
why do they pray to the wall?

Best Answer: It’s not praying “TO” the wall. They are praying “AT” the wall. Understand the difference?
The wall is the foundation stones to the original temple King Solomon built for God. And people pray there and place prayers in the wall’s holes and stone joints because it represents a closeness to God. Thats the simplified version and very accurate.
This is Zion – God’s Holy Mountain – so you should understand why people would feel a closeness with God, praying at that wall. And many of the prayers are for the Messiah’s return and the rebuilding of the original temple which is hindered because the Muslims built their Mosques on that site centuries after the temple ahd been torn down and claimed it for their own
As I’m getting ready to close the door on reading the bible in a year, I go back to Joshua 5. What do you think is meant by Holy Ground (removal of sandals)?

In Nehemiah 5-9 they were discussing celebration of the Wall in Jerusalem. What’s the wall for?

This verse caught by eye: (from the gateway bible)
Matthew 10:16 English Standard Version (ESV)
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

Proverbs 10:4
(from the gateway bible)
Laziness brings poverty; hard work makes one rich.

In reply to:Romans 12:19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” could sound scary!
I don’t really understand “vengeance is mine” from a loving God?

Just read the text for the new year (1 Jan) and it talks about evildoers. I would recommend reading Psalm 140-142 and learn what’s up with the wicked!

Luke 10:29-42 English Standard Version (ESV)
29 But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” 30 Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 Now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. 32 So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. 34 He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 And the next day he took out two denarii[a] and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, ‘Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’ 36 Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” 37 He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” And Jesus said to him, “You go, and do likewise.”
WWJD?  this story tells it all!

In Nehemiah 5-9 they were discussing the building of a wall,

In reply to:That’s a good question, scriber. Ezra 9-10 is sometimes called one of the texts of terror in the Bible. The Bible includes a lot of bad things, like murder, rape, racism, and so on. That does not mean that we follow those texts. Ezra and the Israelite men apparently sent away their ‘foreign’ wives and children. What does ‘sent away’ mean? If they were sent out of Israel, they were likely sent to their deaths – sent into slavery, rape, abuse, or starvation in the desert – like Hagar and Ishmael, if God had not intervened to save them. The point is, we can find a lot of things in the Bible, but how we should apply those in our time and place is another question. Thankfully, Americans did not use Ezra to justify sending away our ancestors when they emigrated to the US I would certainly not use Ezra to justify sending refugees to their deaths, just as I would not use Jepthah’s story in Judges 11 to justify people killing their children.
If Ezra is coined “the text of terror” in the bible, why was it included in the readings? I read and have to ask, is building a wall on the boarder have a bible reference?

In reply to:That’s a good question, scriber. Ezra 9-10 is sometimes called one of the texts of terror in the Bible. The Bible includes a lot of bad things, like murder, rape, racism, and so on. That does not mean that we follow those texts. Ezra and the Israelite men apparently sent away their ‘foreign’ wives and children. What does ‘sent away’ mean? If they were sent out of Israel, they were likely sent to their deaths – sent into slavery, rape, abuse, or starvation in the desert – like Hagar and Ishmael, if God had not intervened to save them. The point is, we can find a lot of things in the Bible, but how we should apply those in our time and place is another question. Thankfully, Americans did not use Ezra to justify sending away our ancestors when they emigrated to the US I would certainly not use Ezra to justify sending refugees to their deaths, just as I would not use Jepthah’s story in Judges 11 to justify people killing their children.
When you write “but how we should apply those in our time and place is another question”, I ask who determines this situation? (of current affairs?). Second comment: Why was the book of Ezra included in the Bible? What’s causing all this change?

That’s a good question, scriber. Ezra 9-10 is sometimes called one of the texts of terror in the Bible. The Bible includes a lot of bad things, like murder, rape, racism, and so on. That does not mean that we follow those texts. Ezra and the Israelite men apparently sent away their ‘foreign’ wives and children. What does ‘sent away’ mean? If they were sent out of Israel, they were likely sent to their deaths – sent into slavery, rape, abuse, or starvation in the desert – like Hagar and Ishmael, if God had not intervened to save them.
The point is, we can find a lot of things in the Bible, but how we should apply those in our time and place is another question. Thankfully, Americans did not use Ezra to justify sending away our ancestors when they emigrated to the US I would certainly not use Ezra to justify sending refugees to their deaths, just as I would not use Jepthah’s story in Judges 11 to justify people killing their children.

My daily bible reading had directed me to the book of Ezra. Look at chapter 9; with foreign wives and children? How should this be interpreted?

A few salient verses:
Leviticus 19:33-34
When immigrants live in your land with you, you must not cheat them.
Any immigrant who lives with you must be treated as if they were one of your citizens. You must love them as yourself, because you were immigrants in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.
Deuteronomy 10:17-19
17 because the Lord your God is the God of all gods and Lord of all lords, the great, mighty, and awesome God who doesn’t play favorites and doesn’t take bribes. 18 He enacts justice for orphans and widows, and he loves immigrants, giving them food and clothing. 19 That means you must also love immigrants because you were immigrants in Egypt.
Deuteronomy 24:14
14 Don’t take advantage of poor or needy workers, whether they are fellow Israelites or immigrants who live in your land or your cities.
Deuteronomy 24:17-18
17 Don’t obstruct the legal rights of an immigrant or orphan. Don’t take a widow’s coat as pledge for a loan. 18 Remember how you were a slave in Egypt but how the Lord your God saved you from that. That’s why I’m commanding you to do this thing.

AGood quotes! Here are the results of a search of the word “immigrant” in the Common English Bible Translation: https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=immigrant&qs_version=CEB&limit=500

Romans 12:19
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”
could sound scary!

Psalm 24:1
The eis the LORD’S, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it.
(creates a few issues for me….?)

Psalm 122:7 May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels. (Am I cherry pickin?)
Now, who defines security?

Proverbs 3:29
Do not devise harm against your neighbor, While he lives securely beside you. (Am I cherry pickin?)

I. Start at 7:00 (have beer ready)
II. Short prayer (1 min)
III. Review agenda (2-4 min) AND WLFSG web site!!
IV. Give everyone the opportunity for a max 5 min talk, with follow-up comments. (45 min talk)
V. Discuss topic for next month (5 min)
VI. Closing prayer (1 min)
VII. Dismissed no later than 8:15
II discussion questions
For discussion:
• Looking at the caravan happening in South America, what Bible reference (scripture) “appeals” to your overall thought as this issue progresses?

III Introduction:
We are going to go around the table and if you would like to participate in this discussion by answering the above one (1) questions. This would be much appreciated! Please share “hypothetical” situation as an example of your answer. The old Who, What, When, Where, and Why.
(will pass this sheet around and please write a quick note that will be included in the monthly write up). It’s always posted on line. I don’t want your names …. just a DNA sample😉.
IV I’ll start with my view of the question above:

.Comments from the Group;
1. Welcome the Strangers

2. We, being on the “already here” side tends to be callous regarding the circumstances that lead a person leave the family and journey here.
3. People coming from other countries are in desperate situations and are coming to the U.S. as a safe place
4. All people are entitled to an opportunity, freedom, and a safe place to be. All people should be shown some dignity and respect. Especially a Christian.
5. Family is first. If some gang wants my child to join their gang, I’m taking the family and getting out ti where it is safe. I’d want to get out of drug violence, and crime. I don’t want my family to get hurt, or even killed

Topic for next month “We are all in some type of bondage, what can we do?”

March meeting Discussion #13


April 2019 meeting Discussion #14


For discussion:
We are going to discuss the “non” bondage we feel in our relationship with God
III Introduction:
We are going to go around the table and if you would like to participate in this discussion by answering the above one (1) questions. This would be much appreciated! Please share a “hypothetical” situation as an example of your answer. The old Who, What, When, Where, and Why.
***Note: (will pass this sheet around and please write a quick note that will be included in the monthly write up). It’s always posted on line. I don’t want your names …. just a DNA sample😉.
IV I’ll start (it’s easier going first) …
….I’ve been confused with the “subject” of our discussion. Initially I was thinking that a “non-bondage” (or freedom from God) was good. I asked many people for an example of this…and I just didn’t understand the discussion topic. So I’m going to say that as q Christian you seek creating a bond with God. I personally have started a new relationship with God through my BRFTD (bible reading for the day) web page that’s published at 11:59PM the night before the BRFTD is published. So, having some type of bondage with God keeps HIM in your life (physical, mental, and SPIRITUAL). I know that this is one thing (BRFTD) that I can do that keeps me bound to help serve HIM.
Notes from group:
1.  I feel I never can be without God. I don’t want to be without Him. I know it’s a choice, but I choose Him to be with me.
2.  The Christian person is fully free and yet bound to God’s love in Christ.
3.  I feel that I am bound to God but am not in bondage to Him. I am totally free to depend on Him without boundaries. (whether I) To need him or not. To be bound to Him is intimate and fulfilling when I chose to listen.
4.  I want God in my life. I asked Him to please join me on my journey through life. It feels good to know (or at least feel) God is with m
5.  God is in us – he is part of us; free from sin, free to love & serve your neighbors.
6.  God left Gods word with us and written in the hearts of others, Living within Gos love means being free from guilt, shame, anxiety, doom, and free to care for others.
7.  Having a relationship with God can be difficult especially when you don’t see God. What we need to have is faith in God in order to have a special bond with everyone including God.

Discussion #15 Gods miracles


T.O.T. May 28 Agenda

a. Short prayer (1 min)
Lord, if you ask, and show some ID, I’ll buy you a beer! But seriously, thanks for allowing the tappers to gather re share our thoughts and feelings of the many miracles that have been documented on the bible study tools web site on the Web. We ask for your guidance as we learn and share.
For discussion:
We are going to discuss Gods miracles
Religious definition of Miracle
MIRACLES (THEOLOGY OF) In theological usage, a miracle is an extraordinary event, perceptible to the senses, produced by God in a religious context as a sign of the supernatural.
Miracle | Definition of Miracle by Merriam-Webster
Definition of miracle. 1. : an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs. the healing miracles described in the Gospels.
Miracle Definition and Meaning – Bible Dictionary
We need to discuss this!
1. what defines a miracle?
2. Isn’t God in control?
3. Or does the Evil one also do miracles?
All Miracles Are Not God’s Miracles.
Not all miracles come from God. God is all powerful, but not all miracles come from God. There are people that are not of God that can perform sirək(ə)l]
miracles (plural noun)
1. a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.
“the miracle of rising from the grave”
supernatural phenomenon · mystery · prodigy · sign
• a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences.
Miracle. an event in the external world brought about by the immediate agency or the simple volition of God, operating without the use of means capable of being discerned by the senses, and designed to authenticate the divine commission of a religious teacher and the truth of his message ( John 2:18 ; Matthew 12:38 ).
III Introduction:
We are going to go around the table and if you would like to participate in this discussion by answering the above one (1) questions. This would be much appreciated! Please share a “hypothetical” situation as an example of your answer. The old Who, What, When, Where, and Why.
***Note: (will pass this sheet around and please write a quick note that will be included in the monthly write up). It’s always posted on line. I don’t want your names …. just a DNA sample .
IV I’ll start (it’s easier going first) …
Talk about me. with TBI head injury
Input from group……
1. The witness of life (birth) of my childre

n (6) and grandson was truly amazing and miraculous.
2. Just the recue of the woman in Hawaii. Has to be a miracle just to see her after 17 days.
3. The miracle of passing from life to death – the new life.
4. I’m thinking of the time I broke my little toe at church. I went to a specialist and she wanted to have surgery on it. I told her “no” I’ll get it healed my way. Within a month or two I had an x-ray done/ Once a fracture…no more. I was healed – a miracle made.

next month to topic is tree of life


(Review posted documents under June T.O.T.) comments from the tappers
6 people in attendance (Discussion #16)

1. The tree of life gives you life and death through the family tree. Those that are living and the others that have passed. The tree of life in /Disney World has carved 325 carvings of existing & extinct animal species on trunk and surrounding roots.

2. To me; the tree of life gives me a sense of faith to God and Jesus. The two trees; one of knowledge and one for life. In native Americsn perspective all tree’s are sacred and have meaning with symbolism.

3. The tree of life is an image of the process of life through death. It blooms when we are born, grows to its fullest, and then slowly dies. Then the process starts over again. This could be a symbol of just new life coming again and again on earth, or one being growing on earth and being born to new life in heaven.

4. The tree of life, in my thoughts, represents eternal life through Jesus Christ.

5. I thought that the tree of knowledge was actually the tree of life. I WAS WRONG! The tree of life to me represent Jesus Christ (through faith eternal life is yours). Will continue thinking about this tree…or is it a symbol? More thoughts…why isn’t it documented if the tree of life had any fruits? Again, interesting topic!

next month is the importance of FAITH

30 July 2019 discussion #17


We had 11 people attend our discussion (Andy is hiding)

Picture has light problems!
1. God is real & yet we will leave this dimension & go to another someday, but the spirit will live on.
2. Faith is trust, a relationship. Faith is what you put ultimate concern in.
3. Faith is like a baby bird to yest leaving the nest – fly or die – and it’s a total miracle.
4. I’ve got a little more faith. I could be told I don’t get the job, or to yes “you got the job”. If I didn’t get the job could be something I could not handle. If I do get the job show that I have faith, thus handling difficult situations.
5. Faith has been here….from the beginning. As a baby with many siblings to “carry” me. Easter Bunny/Santa Claus….to older ages-pinned all this to God. I will be alive in heaven. Faith & Hope
6. Faith has always been present. At times it is thin and at times it is solid, but it is always present
7. Having faith is something that’s very important. Right now, I have faith in myself that I will be strong enough to make it through (the situations/issues).
8. Gift or grace from /god, It’s there for you unless someone takes it away from you.
9. Faith is like a mystery which can’t be seen, smelled, or tasted BUT it’s there with all of us. Like the Holy Spirit…we know that the Spirit is there…which is just like faith
10. You need faith for comfort and maybe for some satisfaction. Faith will keep you directed (more focus).

T.O.T. August 2019 Agenda discussion #18

@ Olympic Tavern on Main Street
seven people in attendance
I. start at 7:00
opening prayer: Thank you Lord for bringing us together to discuss your
big pillar of forgiveness.
II. Is there any consequences in forgiveness?
for instance: you steal a TV, and you don’t get caught, God forgives you…right?
III Notes from the tappers:
1. I think that we need to forgive in order to move on. If we hang on to anger and hurt, we can’t grow.
2. Forgiveness? – 2 types…giving and accepting. Do both freely. Do this and awesomeness will happen.
3. Forgive – to give, give freely, & give grace
4. You can forgive (so you can be civil) but you can’t forget. I try to be civil to a teacher, but I can’t forget the way she treats me when I’m in the class. She treats me like I’m there in her class walking around but not doing one on one help. She would assign someone else to do the one-on-one help. I don’t work with her this year, which makes me very happy.
For next month: Why are you coming to Good Shephard?

T.O.T. September 2019 discussion #19

1. Ann Kent & many other that “live the talk” of Jesus & his love
2. Good Shepherd is a wonderful community of disciples who live and share Jesus
3. I was baptized, I went to Sunday school, conformation, left for a while with my friends from high school. Came back after college, met Andy, got married with Pastor Huwe. We left for Texas for 13 years, comeback, took a class and became members. Participate in many classes, taught Sunday School. Church is my 2nd home.
4. What I believe that brings me back to the LCGS is that I have formed a relationship with church members as brothers and sisters. I married Sallie at the LCGS, raised my children, baptized, confirmed, and communed. I have met many people and sadden by their departure with our Lord. I love the word of many Pastors and enjoy learning while living and sharing Jesus.

T.O.T November 2019 discussion #21

Discussion #21
11 Tappers

1. This “IT” (information technology) phenomena (internet/smart phones/texting) has brought many variables (another discussion(s)) into our religious practices.
2. The church (in general) is not the gathering place for the community to interact and build friendships.
3. We all have too much “stuff”, forgetting that we are stewards of this “stuff” from God! Does the American dream fuel greed?
4. Why can’t God feed (in some logistical way) to hungry? Or is this a test on us humans?
5. [in general] What’s in it for me? (like Karma?) (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. (life after death?)
6. More and more we are moving to a technology-based religion. We are dependent on Google search to find God. God is everywhere even in technology.
7. People must go to work now. Many years no one had to work on Sunday. Sports (soccer) was /is played on Sunday morning now. Talking about entertainment; bring in bands, contemporary music instead for traditional music.
8. We have lost out CHRISTIAN TRADITION. We have a lost generation of church
9. The church is changing, and we are experiencing the church in new ways, but we only count the involvement in the old ways at 10AM Sunday morning
10. People are tired & have many things competing for their time!
11. It is easy to find reason to not attend church. Life has given us multiple choices of why not go and only one reason to go. WE NEED GOD
12. Lack of time, energy, and spiritual belief. Trouble with the proof of God
13. The lack of money to put in the offering, the lack of time (working 6-7 days a week) so we need a time to wash clothes, shop, etc. The culture has changed so that everyone doesn’t have the tradition of church
14. Shifting priorities where people are less religious in general, or they identify themselves as “spiritual but not religious”. Thus, going to church is unnecessary. People are weary of “The Church” in general.
15. God’s angel wanted to be God. God then sent him down to earth to be god of the earth (the devil) whose job is to have everyone follow him. LIES, LIES, & LIES.

On Tuesday November 26 @ 7:00 PM. Eleven (11) “tappers” discussed why people aren’t that compassionate following the “Good News” [in general]. Our dialog included that the church is CHA, CHA, CHA, CHANGING. Forty (40) years ago no one would even think that 11 people would be sitting in a tavern identifying the challenges (test) we have to share the Good News with others.

[Still under construction]

Synopsis of TOT the 21st of December at the “O” Discussion #22

I. SITUATION: It does not appear that the Lutheran Church of the Good Shephard is using “our” property to best share the Good News with others. We own a big building that is only used every Sunday morning. RALM uses the church for a storage and distribution facility (with volunteers) for prom and homecoming dresses. This is all good new stuff. We need to consider all the talents and blessings our church members have and give them the opportunity to share their own blessing. We need people at the LCGS more often. Build the environment…. people might come!

II. MISSION: Our unofficial December Theology on Tap decided that we are going to start a movie “club” that’ firsts going to meet the 25th of January 2020 @ 2:00 (maybe the last Saturday on the month).


o First movie is going to be Thunder Heart
o Movie is going to be shown from a DVD in fireside room
o Possible breaks in film for discussion


o Mike K. is going to lead the first movie night (unlock door)
o Cookies and brownies will be provided by Jana Mueller
o Movie club flier should be distributed in bulletin the 19th of January
o Bring your own drink….no ALCOHOL
o Ron Hendrickson & Mike K. will ensure the cleanliness and security for the area

Our plan is to watch a show on the fourth Saturday of the month (could change). After 3 showings the original 5 people who wanted to have shows at church will assess the history of this endeavor
Synopsis of film: by Mike
Thunder Heart is a murder mystery starring Val K., Sam Shepard, Graham Greene and chief Ted T. The story takes place in the 70’s on an Indian reservation. Kilmer plays an FBI agent from Washington DC because of his Sioux ancestry to investigate a murder He denies his bloodline at first but gains a new respect for it and loses his arrogance while unraveling a complex series of events with the help of the residents including a strong female that is also digging for the truth. Warning: there is profanity and some hard scenes in this story. It was rated R in 1992. Therefore, it is not for children. There aren’t any sex scenes, however.

28 Jamuary 2020


discussion #23
Our topic on Tuesday is [in general] What’s in it for me? (to follow and believe in Christ)?
A. desire for eternal life
1. increase my faith
2. Looking for that extra edge
3. desire to help others
B. social interactions
C. it’s a family issue (not religious)
D. Why not?
1. it’s a ritual
2. looking for the Spirit in the Sky
E. combat the current culture
F. Better relationship with “church people” and God
next months topic: When will the Cubs win another World Series [25 February 2020]


We had 11 people attend our T.O.T. meeting for the month of November. Please come out next year to the tavern (1/28/2020) and discuss a topic that hasn’t been selected yet, but will be chosen from suggestions that were made by paper (church), or on this web site in January 2020. Your suggestions are needed to help us determine what we’re going to discuss next month. These suggestion will be thrown into a “hat”, and one will be picked, during the announcements at church, for our topic for our 28th of January 2020 discussion. Thank You! ( for Discussion #23)
Note: After drawing the “ideas” for a hat (16 total). The topic drawn:
WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? Check the Jan. TOT page for more info.


Discussion #24 for Feb. 2020

Thoughts from “Our T.O.T. meeting, the 25th of February 2020 @ 7:00pm at the Olympic Tavern)”   10 in attendance

• When will the Cubs win another World Series? (this is fan speculation)
 Does this have anything to do with Harry Carrey?
 God will ask, “what do you think”
 What about the fans? it appears almost everywhere the Cubs play there is high attendance.
 Instead of a date, don’t we need to look at some type of agenda? (from God?)
 don’t you think the cubs should be rewarded for not cheating like the Houston Astros. In Psalms 11 God hates violence
 Maybe “Theo” the GM has this all under control?
 I am just glad that the baseball season means spring is almost here!!!!
 Why do sports guys praise God & Jesus when they hit a home run or a touch down?
 I root for the Cubs because they are the team to go for since they are from Chicago. Mom and Dad love the Cubs also.
 You have to love the Cubs. They win some, lose some, but we will still love them. Go Cubbies!
 I think David Ross will be good for the Cubs, but I think it will take a couple of years before they gel.
 Does God even know when the Cubs will win the World Series again? The butterfly affect.
 It is believed/proven in science that we know of parallel dimensions, so I suppose that the Cubs would win in one of the several dimensions that exit.
 Do you think David Ross will do well as the Cubs manager?
 Answering the question with a question: When will we be able to love like Jesus loves?
• Topic for next month (Discussion #25)
 We all have too much stuff, forgetting that we are stewards of this “stuff”, so…. Does the American dream fuel greed? Thoughts about this stuff while living and sharing Jesus.

  1.  Short Prayer:  We give thanks for the opportunity to discuss the issue of judging,  The Bible says you shouldn’t judge, so I guess our talk is for my interest.  Please don’t be offended by our talks but also request your direction.  AMEN
  2. Maybe introduce attendees Discussion #44

How are you going to be judged in Heaven? If you can use scripture for reference, GREAT!

https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=john 3:16&version=N
16 For God so loved. ( A) the world that he gave. ( B) his one and only Son, ( C) that whoever believes. ( D) in him shall not perish but have eternal life

is this all of it (judging?), how’s it going to be verified?  By God?

Faith without works is dead!  James 2:14-26  what does this mean?

For me,  I would like to imitate Jesus (be like Paul)  boasting!!

  1. In the bible it reads: In Heaven after the fall of Babylon there was a white horse. Its rider was truth and justice. It’s mission: he judges and makes war (Rev. 19:11).  (who is truth & Justice?)
  2. This web site gives: 37 Best Bible Verses About Judging Others – Inspiring Scripture Qu…
  3. Thoughts-From Psalms 7: Judge me according to my righteousness (7:8).
    1. Define righteousness:  Righteousness is the quality or state of being morally correct and justifiable.
    2. Is this from Gods view?
  4. As Christians we need to determine what is right, and what’s acceptable to our soul
  5. Thank you Lord for helping me put together this outline that I’m going to follow at our next TOZ (2/22) discussion
  6. Need a topic for next month

29 March 2022

We are going to do a top ten list of different aspects (wise/foolish) of King Solomons life to see where his Christianity really stands

(1) foolishness talking points

10  4. How many wives did Solomon have? Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubine. This can be found in 1 King 11:3 where we read that Solomon “had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines”. Why so many??

 6.  6. For  his wisdom turned himself and his people away from God. (as a Christain….that’s foolish)

7. At first King Solomon followed God’s instructions, but over time he began trusting only himself and not God.

11. 1 Kings 11. King Solomon made alliances with foreign nations through marriage. The wives of Solomon brought their false gods and idolatry with them. Solomon’s heart was turned from God through his disobedience.

16. With Solomon’s faith compromised, he started building “high places” or worship centers for the false gods of the Egyptians, Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians and the Hittites.

3.  17. He focused his mind on the accumulation of stuff.

18. Allowed the separation of Israel into two weaker and more vulnerable nations.

19. Solomon was foolish in selfishness.

1.  20. Solomon was foolish in compromise. Basically, Solomon was foolish in disobeying

(2) wisdom talking points

1. Solomon was the third king over Israel.

2. Solomon ruled with wisdom over Israel for 40 years, securing stability through treaties with foreign powers.

8.  3. Solomon is the author of Proverbs  A proverb (from Latin: proverbium) is a simple and insightful, traditional saying that expresses a perceived truth based on common sense or experience. Proverbs are often metaphorical and use formulaic language. Collectively, they form a genre of folklore.

5. Wrote the book of Ecclesiastes.  Ecclesiastes written c. 450–200 BCE, is one of the Ketuvim (“Writings”) of the Hebrew Bible and one of the “Wisdom” books of the Christian Old Testament. 

7. The Queen of Sheba traveled 1,200 miles to confirm the stories of his wisdom and dignity (1 Kings 10).

9.  9. Solomon ruled with wisdom over Israel for 40 years, securing stability through treaties with foreign powers.

10. Solomon is associated with the peak “golden age” of the independent Kingdom of Israel. He is considered a source of judicial and religious wisdom.

2.  12. In 1 Kings he sacrificed to God, and God later appeared to him in a dream, asking what Solomon wanted from God. Solomon asked for wisdom. (Bing)

13. Wrote the book songs of Solomon.  The Song of Songs, sometimes called the Song of Solomon, is one of two books in the Bible that do not mention God . The other is the book of Esther. King Solomon is generally acknowledged as the author, though some scholars say that is uncertain.

5.  14. The Odes of Solomon is a collection of 42 odes attributed to Solomon.

4.  15. Generated the: Earliest Christian Hymnbook: The Odes of Solomon  Some are obviously Christian, others perhaps Jewish. Yet, the beauty of all the poems is a tribute to the depth of spirituality in early communities of Christians, some of whom wereperhaps also Jews or converted Jews. (Google)

Lets come up with a topic for next month!

I would like to do a bio. Of Job

Discuss similarities with Job or King Solomon

Next discussion the 26th of April

Jump to June 2022

Will discuss the “demons” (as discussed in the sermon by the 19th of June) that are influencing violence and shenanigans in today’s society.


Note:  Picture is from our monthly meeting of Theology on Tap.  This is where church members gather at a tavern and discuss the topic of the month.  Our topic this month was food that is being used as a weapon.  We discussed Macro views (Ukraine) and Micro view as local food deserts.  We tied it together with Joseph in the Old Testament (Genesis) to Gods word in the New Testament (Matthew).  Next month will be a continuation of this topic with October’s topic offering/(allowing) some speculation of A.I. (artificial Intelligence) in the Bible.

Below is picture of event:

We are all “tapped out” (last minute picture)